Speak some nyan

Sunday, July 12, 2009

5 Productive Days, 1 Lazy Day

I need a proper camera.. This is part of the brownies I made on Friday T_T;;

Those brownies worried the crap out of me cuz I baked them for almost an hour =A=;; The recipe said to bake them for 15-10mins at 180 degrees but after 25 minutes, my brownies were still wobbling like STOMACH FATS UGH *shudders*. It turned out well =D and the crust tasted wonderful and crispy when it's warm.

Today was the most unproductive day EVER. My schedule started at 5am. Replacement class, sleep, drive out for lunch, sleep, go to Ampang Point, sleep, dinner, SLEEP. Lazy me =/ but there's nothing to doooo TwT. I'm craving to shop but I'm on a very tight budget for my cosplay and shopping spree on the 18th >A<. Must not cave in!

Earlier at Ampang Point with Audrey, I spotted the diamond edition Maybelline Eye Studio eye shadow at RM39.90 TwT and it's really pretty and pigmented. It's so worth to buy cuz I'll be able to get the the make up pouch for free with any purchase of Maybelline products RM30 and above and I do need the make up pouch for my mineral foundation *_*;; b-b-but I don't have the cash at hand but have cash at home >A<.

Reasons to get the eye shadow:

  1. I have no eye shadow!

  2. Use it for the upcoming dinner =D

  3. LIMITED EDITION D8 (I'm a bad advertising student for being fooled by those words T_T)

  4. Will get the make up pouch so it's getting 2 products that I need x_X

Reasons NOT to get the eye shadow

  1. EXPENSIVE! 4 colors for almost RM40, that's an average for RM10 per color....

  2. I have no cash at wallet >3<

  3. There's other reasonably priced eye shadows?

  4. I'm on a tight budget hello!!!! *knocks sense into herself*

DILEMMA! Temptation was so great cuz I have all my cards with me T__T. Gah, took me a good 10 minutes to reason with myself that I do not touch the ATM unless my money at home runs out T__T and swiping the card would mean an I.O.U which is one of my top 10 things I hate grrr. No money = don't buy T_T *cries at the silly rules she makes for herself*

So many cats >o<~~~<3 got the picture when I was eating lunch at Jalan Pasar.

Close up. They look so fat =O

1 comment:

  1. This post was very entertaining me..hahaha
    wht means I.O.U?
