Speak some nyan

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Pik Pok

Every weekend (well the past 2 weekends so far lol) has been dedicated to tennis practice since the shoot is 2 weeks away *_*. Gosh I still don't feel ready. I still have my wristband to paint and Ponta can to think over. Last week's game was terrible since it's just me and Terence so we had to play singles and boy we sucked! None of us have the reflexes to play singles. Terence kept throwing cross shots and I spent most of the time sprinting and chasing after balls ;_; and my ankle has yet to heal which makes things tougher. The game ended up not being very enjoyable for the both of us. *sigh* Anyway have a shot of the game 2 weeks ago.
I feel like I'm doing some dance over here lol
Photo taken by Michy and now I can see how sloppy my form is XD;; and how huge my butt is OTL. Need a lot of practice T_T I really do hope I can look for a coach next year but I'm still trying to build my stamina and muscles before that =D

Quite a nice looking cat I spotted.
Found this cat on my way to Jared's. It looked so nice sitting there that I just had to stop my car in the middle of the road and take a picture of it XD
And look! New toy! *o*
Finally got a new camera too during the weekend. No more yellow pictures and dark photos yay! *o*. After poking people for opinions and scouting around, I settled for a Panasonic Lumix LX5. Got it really cheap during the Lelong fair and it came with a cleaning kit which other sellers don't offer *w*. I'll be collecting my leather case this Thursday =). First thing I did was to take some night shots outside my house XD so will probably upload it on FB :3
Finally I had a bite of Humble Beginnings Mille Crepe!
After so long, I finally decided to just buy a whole Mille Crepe from Humble Beginnings. Bought it as a small celebration for the piece of good news at work~ =D I selected the French Vanilla added on with Fresh Strawberries. The cake is a lot more creamier and I'm surprised my boss liked it o_O. I like that the cake isn't too sweet but I still prefer my cake to be a little more solid. There's 2 more slices sitting in my fridge. Breakfast for the next 2 days? =P

Oh and this post shall be the last tribute to my old camera 8D. Next post onwards shall be taking pics with my new camera wohoo~

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