The waterfall reserve
Pretty house 1 T__T
Pretty house 2 T__T
Today treated Brian and myself to TGIF since The Apartment was just evil to me. The parking fee was just epic XD cuz we only paid RM2 for over 3 hours of parking =P
Appetizer of uber sourness - Shrimp Martini. I ended up fishing out all the prawns and kicked the dish aside.
Appetizer full of fat and super filling - Mac & Cheese
Chicken Caeser Salad - Healthy yes it's mostly veggie more than anything else.
Key West Whitefish - Only thing worth eating is the fish, veggies were kinda hard. No amount of weird angles is gonna cover up the fact that this fish was nibbled by me before this pic was taken.
Dessert! Cookies and Cream and the cookie is too hard to me to nibble so I ate the ice-cream and throat is full of phelgm now =D;;
Chocolate Malt Cake of death~
Manage to wash all the food down without puking thanks to this Strawberry Parfait =D The texture is just so soft and fluffy <3 and the strawberry juice is perfect <3
What better way to make us feel even more fat by taking a shopping trip and trying clothes =D
A vest from SODA that I forced him to try. Successfully hid his stomach kthxbai. To buy or not? >D
Welcome to Club Kitty with me as your host and dancer for tonighttttttt. Dress from TopShop and it's around RM389 I think. Bust area was a bit loose since it was a size 8.
Pair it with a clincher and handbag, it'll be so Gossip Girl-ish. Another TopShop dress.
i like the blue dress. shimmer is nice. and looks good on you