Speak some nyan

Friday, November 21, 2008

Work As You Go~

Yesssssss my plans are going very smoothly. Exam's on the 10th, 15th and 18th of December which means I can work for PC Fair! *o*/ I know I might collapse from exhaustion with exams, final year thesis, work and CF all happening in December not to mention I've not got any proper sleep or for the whole of November. I can safely say I get less than 24 hours of sleep a week =w= but right now it just doesn't seem to matter to me @A@! I feel like I'm actually getting my life back up.

I might actually be so prepared if my internship company is crazy enough like other companies to call up their candidates at 4am in the morning and request them to come in for an interview at 5am. It'll be so awesome 8D

Those bear statues I posted some weeks ago are getting really popular @w@. I took a trip to Pasar Seni today to pop in my favorite pet shop so I dropped by some accessory shop and it was just flooding with those bear toys!

Lookie now they have Homer Simpson >w<

These cost like RM59.90 for one =A=;; and the orange one looks like a mutated Kon-chan.

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