Speak some nyan

Sunday, November 30, 2008

Idiocy and Good News Rolling In

The stupidity of men these days never fail to pop my veins =_= The first one is reckless and a stupid idiot who can't control his emotions and goes 'I'm mad, you're nearby so it's your fault!' The second one acts all high and mighty I-own-your-souls-so-your-opinion-doesn't-matter-la-la-la. Next one is a cheater and a damn liar. The latest one is a Facebook obssessed fella 'omg there's no pic of me in your album... whyyyyyyy' Is there any sanctuary for girls only? The list goes on but that would be a rant. I'm typing this with much sarcasm and bitchyness in me.

With men like this, it's no wonder we girls get in such a bad temper which gets carried on during our meals. In the long term, we start to get aggressive =w=b

Like this.

Mutate our food like this with the thought of chopping certain idiots into pieces.

Then finishing our plate clean thinking 'oh yea, he's finally gone'

By the way..... it's just a joke. Outing was on Friday, and we had another blood bath.

My internship has been set as well thankfully and wigs have arrived. Life progress is good.

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