Speak some nyan

Monday, April 25, 2011

Pokainess in the Month of April

I used to hate June/July due to so many babies born on that month. Now I'm adding April to the list!!!! There were 4 birthdays this month! D:

His birthday card. Yes Pusheen~!!! XD
Next came Lex. We 'made'  Starbucks merchandise for him lol
Look at where the flowers are *grins*
The there was Jared's birthday too. No pictures available since they were all so blur >_> Big boss' birthday was this month, thankfully we didn't do much since she's in Singapore (phew!). On top of those birthdays, there were irresistible buys >w<
Got a diffuser for my room since my dad complained non-stop about the smell. But I find my room smell comforting =3=
So many nice promo's for this month too!
Ok that wasn't much. The one that killed the most were my car repairs. My car skidded on the SPRINT highway (again!) thanks to my awesome driving. The SPRINT highway is normally very free in the direction heading to KL. On that particular day, it just rained so the roads were wet and I didn't expect a jam up ahead so I jammed on the breaks which caused the car to skid. When I tried to press the accelerator, both the accelerator and the breaks were locked as though blocked by something @A@. I turned off the engine and restarted again and the car turned out fine @A@. Now I'm wondering whether its some locking mechanism for the car =/

The next day, I sent the car for a check up. Tried the service center at Kepong since I had the coupon for a full check up at a discounted price =D. They did a thorough check up and found that my car battery needs changing and also my gear oil is leaking. All in all the cost went to RM490 in total but I'm planning to push the gear oil change to next month T_T. My car battery hasn't been changed since the day I bought my car so that was more urgent XD;; Plus the service guy said the gear oil is still good to go.

So overall, I'm horribly pokai T_T especially for April/May. Gah *pulls hair* my cosplay plans get delayed again. I'm wondering whether should I just try my luck in Singapore, my living expenses gets to be reduced by half D8. My mind keeps wondering how do I save up for a house? how can I even save for a new laptop? HOW CAN I EVEN SAVE WHEN MONEY FLIES FOR EXPENSES AND NECESSITIES!!!!! *pulls hair*
Something delicious I discovered at the Dim Sum place today. Banana wrapped with red bean paste and some crispy stuff.
Thanks for the Dim Sum treat today Jon T_T I really need to treat that bugger one fine day rawr! I'm now opting to stuff every cent (almost) into my fixed deposit account. Hopefully with the little digits left in my bank, I'll be so depressed to think of buying anything.

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