Speak some nyan

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Review: Clarins HydraQuench Cream-Mask

Recently I was told that hydrating and moisturizing are 2 totally different things so I did some research and true enough. Hydrating refers to the balance of water content in your skin and moisturizing is the balance of sebum or oil. If you have combination skin like me then moisturizing and hydrating products are very important D8. Oh wells, we learn something new everyday~!

God knows how long I've received this sample but there's too many masks to try, nearly forgot about this baby. I'm always been told by beauticians (At salons and cosmetic counters) that my face is dehydrated at the cheeks and oily at the T-zone so I ransacked through my pouch of masks for something to hydrate my skin.

Tadaa~ The key product of Clarins HydraQuench range.

The HydraQuench range contains bark from Katafray trees which helps to increase hydration and restore moisture balance. The masks acts like a cream so you don't need to necessarily wash it off as it'll be absorbed into your skin =D As mentioned in the website: Apply morning and/or evening to thoroughly cleansed face and neck. May be applied throughout the day when dehydration makes skin feel uncomfortable.

Unlike most masks, this one comes in a tube so unlucky for you cheapskates, you won't be able to 'lick' it clean =P Smack a decent layer of the white cream mask onto your skin and leave it for 5 - 15 minutes. Go ahead and check in the mirror if you're interested, you'll notice that some of the cream has been absorbed after a while. As for me, my cheeks absorbed most of the cream where as I still see the white layer around the T-zone. Once you're satisfied, wipe the remaining mask with a cotton pad soaked with toner. I had nice bouncy cheeks for my date the very next day and Jared commented that my face look good~ =D

All in all, the product works =D just a little warning for those with sensitive skin, you might feel a prickle as though tiny red ants nibbling gently on your face when you apply the mask D8 I'm not sure what this means but I'll ask the SA today once I submit my thesis to the print shop =P

The Clarins HydraQuench Cream-Mask retails for RM135 for 75ml. A 5ml sachet can last for 2 uses so do the math and it's RM4.50 each time you use it. Sounds ok to me! =D

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